The Basque Biosphere

Project title: Love your bisphere  |  Client: Ikastola Seber Altube |  Date: 2013

The Basque school, Seber Altube are spearheading the 2014 Ibilaldia campaign, with the aim of bolstering the sense of pride in the Basque language among the local residents of the Busturialdea region. Taking into account that the school is situated in the beautiful and protected Urdaibai nature reserve, we created the slogan “Euskararen bihozfera”. It is a play on words meaning ‘Basque biosphere’, but the word ‘biozfera’ is itself a fusion of ‘biosfera‘ (biosphere) and ‘bihotza‘ (heart), to reinforce that we love the Basque language, in all its richness. To develop the corporate identity we held a creative workshop at the school, inviting students and parents alike to illustrate what the Basque language means to them. The result is a reflection of the unified strength in defending this ancient tongue, coupled with a colourful portrait of the joy in life.

This video shows how we developed the visual identity for the Ibilaldia 2014 campaign:


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