Mendraka – a blinding wine!

Two years have passed since a fire destroyed most of the Mendraka farmhouse and winery. Today as it rises from the ashes, the owners approached di-da to request a facelift on their wine label.

They shared with us how the wine has moved on. It is more elegant now and whilst it maintains a high quality rating as a Txakoli from Bizkaia, it can hold its own in the competitive white wine market.

We cleaned up the personalised typeface and simplified the mark bringing it back to the essential element: the vine. We chose to lose the vibrant colours from their own label in place of colours and tones that reflect sensations. The old wine label used a lot of gold, but the wine itself is fermented and aged in steel tanks, so we opted for a compromise between the two and had the label and foil printed on a special titanium stock.

What started out as a simple logo redesign soon turned into a corporate identity project and over the next few months, the new image will grace different applications such as the packaging and the website.

But in addition to this, we’ve been able to learn a new technique in the process and bring a very special touch to the wine bottle. Wine, without a doubt, plays to the senses, and so we opted to highlight this by incorporating braille to the label. Whilst blind people cannot see, their sense of smell and taste is not hindered, and set about investigating how braille can be incorporated into design.

The Braille system for blind people was devised by Louis Braille in 1824 and uses a special code represented in a typeface. There are strict rules about its use: tracking and leading are essential for legibility, as are the size of the dots, their position etc. We approached the professional blind school and they advised us on how to write the name “Mendraka Txakolina” in Braille.

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