
Moldatu, okerrago uzteko?

Gehienok ikusita izango duzue honezkero ‘Madrid 2020 Ciudad aspirante’ logoa. Begien aurrean geneukana ezin sinetsi geratu ginen gu, erabat harrituta. Ez genuen ulertzen.  20020?

Gero konturatu ginen beste logo bat zegoela, originala, Luis Peiret diseinu ikasleak aurkeztutakoa, eta aurretik ikusi genuena Tapsa publizitate agentziak moldatu zuela (restyling deitzen diote adituek). Originala ere ez da munduko ederrena, baina M20 ulertzen da, bederen.

Eta orduan, hasierako logoa zertarako garatu, okerrago uzteko?

gure hirurak liburuan

Relogo: gureak, hiru.

“Logo is essential in the design of branding”. Hori dio Relogo liburuaren aurkezpenak. Hainbat logo nola berdiseinatu diren, istorioak biltzen ditu bere orrietan. Nola sortu berri bat zahar batetik abiatuta, “like giving the old wine with fresh fragrance”.

Tartean, di-dak berdiseinatutako hiru logo argitaratu ditu: EmunTopagunea eta Anboto.
Bakoitzaren eraldaketa prozesua kontatuko dizugu, geure erara.

Relogo re-designing the brand di-da


«Gero eta garrantzitsuagoa da diseinua hezkuntzan»

Jane Ware, Chosen Limited

Jane Ware, UTCrentzat di-dak egindako logoaren ondoan.

An interview with Jane Ware from Chosen Limited (London, UK). Answers posted by email.

(Beherago euskaraz / más abajo en castellano).

What was your impression of di-da when you came to visit?
My impression was of an enviable set of artistic studio/office space, with various creative people dotted about.  Organised, with a well-planned meeting room.

We’ve worked on a few projects together. Is the distance a problem?
No problem at all.  The only thing I need to get sorted out is when you have bank holidays!

Chosen does a lot of work for the education sector. How important is design in this field?
Increasingly important because the government makes schools in the state maintained sector compete with each other.  Also, charities and government departments all use professional designers to produce their materials and it is important to follow the same example if working in this area.

alternative collective

The Alternative Collective

The Alternative Collective is a new project launched by Joseba Attard (di-da), Ion Eizaguirre and Mikel Citores. The Alternative Collective (shortened to simply 'Alternative') experiments with different tools and techniques, to create and document lifestyle projects. From old Russian analog cameras to 'alternative' subjects, this is simply a place to experiment and document. "The voyage of discovery lies not in finding new landscapes, but in having new eyes" (M.Proust)...

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